Advanced Surgical Robotics and Intelligent Control Lab
Robot Hand & Arm for Unseen Objects Grasping
Vision based Manipulation + Brain in Hand System Integration
Traditional vision-based manipulator systems have limitations such as a narrow field of view or the potential to obscure objects due to the fixed position of the camera. Our laboratory is researching a vision-based intelligent robot hand that not only recognizes objects but also includes perception and control. This is achieved by building an interface on the robot hand that incorporates sensors and controllers.
Robotic Palm
Soft Robotic Palm with Tunable Stiffness Using Dual-Layered Particle Jamming Mechanism
This project presents a novel robotic palm with a dual-layered structure designed to yield high surface conformity and controllable rigidity for enhanced grasping performance. It comprises a vacuum chamber for adjusting the stiffness of the palm via particle jamming and an air chamber for actively controlling the palm deformation. An auto-jamming control scheme that automatically solidifies the palm by sensing the internal pressure of the palm without any tactile sensors or visual feedback was also proposed.

Demonstration of multimodal grasping
The robotic palm allows multimodal grasping with a variety
of different grasping strategies. The palm provides a stable
base for a power grasp, providing high surface conformity to
any arbitrary shape of an object in contact and also high slip